Category 2 Two- Water Loss Flood
Category 2 water loss
Category 2 water contains significant contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contacted or consumed by humans. Category 2 water can contain potentially unsafe levels of microorganisms or nutrients for microorganisms, as well as other organic or inorganic matter ( chemical or biological)
The standard indicate that the water has some contamination, but not to the level of a category w loss. Odors might be indicative that water has been contaminated. Some factors that influence the water's cleanliness are the current use of the structure ) such as nursing home, hospital, day care, veterinary clinic, etc.), the general condition of the structure, previous water loss and the age and history of the structure. Time and elevated temperature will quickly degrade this to a category 3 loss. ServiceMaster of Salt Lake 801-506-0027
The standard indicate that the water has some contamination, but not to the level of a category w loss. Odors might be indicative that water has been contaminated. Some factors that influence the water's cleanliness are the current use of the structure ) such as nursing home, hospital, day care, veterinary clinic, etc.), the general condition of the structure, previous water loss and the age and history of the structure. Time and elevated temperature will quickly degrade this to a category 3 loss. ServiceMaster of Salt Lake 801-506-0027